Interface IconOwner

All Known Subinterfaces:
OWLModelAction, TripleAction
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractOWLModelAction, AbstractOWLModelTestAction, AbstractTripleAction

public interface IconOwner

A common base interface for things that can be represented by an icon. This is on purpose abstracted from the Swing Icon class, so that instances of this class can also be used under non-Swing environments like Eclipse.

Holger Knublauch

Method Summary
 String getIconFileName()
          Gets the relative name of an (optional) icon.
 Class getIconResourceClass()
          Gets a Class that is in the same folder as the icon file.

Method Detail


public Class getIconResourceClass()
Gets a Class that is in the same folder as the icon file.

the icon resource Class


public String getIconFileName()
Gets the relative name of an (optional) icon.

the icon name such as "classify.gif" or null