Uses of Interface

Packages that use TreePanel

Uses of TreePanel in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.cls

Subinterfaces of TreePanel in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.cls
 interface ClassTreePanel
          An interface for panels that display a class tree.

Classes in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.cls that implement TreePanel
 class AssertedClassesPanel
          A component displaying the asserted classes tree on the OWLClassesTab.
 class OWLSubclassPane
          A SubclassPane optimized for OWLModels.

Uses of TreePanel in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.subsumption

Classes in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.subsumption that implement TreePanel
 class AssertedSubsumptionTreePanel
          A SubsumptionTreePanel displaying the asserted superclass relationships.
 class EditableSubsumptionTreePanel
          A SubsumptionTreePanel with additional support for editing the class hierarchy.
 class InferredSubsumptionTreePanel
          A SubsumptionTreePanel optimized for the inferred tree.
 class SubsumptionTreePanel
          A component that displays the computed or asserted subsumption relationship between classes.