Package edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.clsdesc

Interface Summary
ClassDescriptionTableModel A OWLTableModel with additional support for remove buttons.

Class Summary
AddRowAction An Action that adds a class from a list into the table.
ClassDescriptionEditorComponent User: matthewhorridge
The Univeristy Of Manchester
Medical Informatics Group
Date: Sep 7, 2005

ClassDescriptionTable A OWLTable for editing the superclasses of a given class.
ClassDescriptionTextField A OWLTextField to edit a superclass in a ClassDescriptionTable.
ClassDescriptionWidget An AbstractSlotWidget that displays the superclasses / equivalent classes in a table.
CreateRowAction An Action that adds a class expression into the table.
DisjointClassesTableModel An AbstractTableModel that represents each disjoint class with one row.
DisjointClassesWidget An AbstractSlotWidget that displays the disjoint classes in a table.
PropertiesDefinitionTableModel A ClassDescriptionTableModel that displays those parts of a class definition that are not restrictions.
PropertiesSuperclassesTableModel A ClassDescriptionTableModel that displays all direct superclasses that are not restrictions.
PropertiesSuperclassesWidget A ClassDescriptionWidget that toggles between a PropertiesSuperclassesTableModel and a PropertiesDefinitionTableModel depending on whether the current class is defined or not.
RemoveRowAction A OWLTableAction that removes the selected row from the table.