Package edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.conditions

Interface Summary
ConditionsTableConstants Constants for the ConditionsTableModel.
PropertyConditionsDisplay An interface for components that can display a given property.

Class Summary
AbstractConditionsWidget A SlotWidget used for describing logical class characteristics, i.e.
AddClosureAxiomAction A ResourceAction that adds a closure axiom to the class.
AddCoveringAxiomAction An Action to add a covering axiom.
AddNamedClassAction An Action to add a named class as a superclass into the conditions table.
AssertedConditionsWidget An AbstractConditionWidget to display and edit the asserted conditions of a class.
ConditionsTable A JTable used to display a class definition.
ConditionsTableItem An object representing an entry in the table.
ConditionsTableModel The TableModel used by the AssertedConditionsWidget.
ConditionsTableTransferHandler An OWLTableTransferHandler that does not assume that the class maintain their rows after changing something.
ConditionsWidget A MultiWidgetPropertyWidget showing asserted and inferred conditions.
InferredConditionsWidget A SlotWidget used for describing logical class characteristics, i.e.
PropertySuggestionPopup User: matthewhorridge
The University Of Manchester
Medical Informatics Group
Date: Nov 25, 2005

SeparatorCellRenderer A DefaultTableCellRenderer (derived from JLabel) used to display separators in the ConditionsTable.