Package edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.resourcedisplay

Interface Summary
ResourceDisplayPlugin The base interface of plugins that can add components to the bottom-right area of an ResourceDisplay.
ResourcePanel An interface for user interface components that display a given RDFResource as a form.
ResourcePanelFactory A factory of ResourcePanels, used by the ProtegeUI class.

Class Summary
AddPropertyWidgetToFormAction An Action to add a slot widget for a currently invisible slot to the FormWidget of the direct type of a given Instance.
CreatePropertyForTypeAction An Action to add a new slot to the direct type of a given Instance.
EditTypeAction An Action that shows the direct type of a given Instance.
EditTypeFormAction An Action that shows the form editor for the direct type of a given Instance.
InstanceNameComponent A Component that can be used to display type(s) and name of an Instance.
RemovePropertyWidgetFromFormAction An Action to remove a property widget of a currently visible slot from the FormWidget of the direct type of a given resource.
ResourceDisplay An InstanceDisplay with the "type" actions instead of the yellow sticky ones on top.
ResourceDisplayPluginManager The manager of all InstanceDisplayPlugins.