Uses of Interface

Packages that use XMLWriter

Uses of XMLWriter in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.rdfxml.rdfwriter

Fields in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.rdfxml.rdfwriter declared as XMLWriter
private  XMLWriter RDFResourceCollectionWriter.xmlWriter
private  XMLWriter RDFXMLDocumentWriter.xmlWriter
private  XMLWriter OWLModelWriter.xmlWriter

Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.rdfxml.rdfwriter that return XMLWriter
 XMLWriter OWLModelWriter.getXmlWriter()

Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.rdfxml.rdfwriter with parameters of type XMLWriter
 void RDFResourceCollectionContentWriter.writeContent(XMLWriter writer)
 void OWLModelContentWriter.writeContent(XMLWriter writer)
          Writes the RDF/XML content that corresponds to the ontology header (owl:Ontology), the all different sets of individuals, the properties, classes and individuals.
 void OWLModelOrderedContentWriter.writeContent(XMLWriter writer)
 void RDFXMLContentWriter.writeContent(XMLWriter writer)

Constructors in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.rdfxml.rdfwriter with parameters of type XMLWriter
RDFResourceCollectionWriter(OWLModel model, TripleStore tripleStore, Collection resources, XMLWriter xmlWriter, boolean encloseInRDFElement)
RDFXMLDocumentWriter(XMLWriter xmlWriter, Collection contentWriters)
OWLModelWriter(OWLModel model, TripleStore tripleStore, XMLWriter xmlWriter)
          Creates an object that can be used to write an OWLModel in RDF/XML format to a specified XMLWriter.

Uses of XMLWriter in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.rdfxml.renderer

Fields in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.rdfxml.renderer declared as XMLWriter
private  XMLWriter RDFAxiomRenderer.writer
private  XMLWriter RDFResourceRenderer.writer

Constructors in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.rdfxml.renderer with parameters of type XMLWriter
RDFAxiomRenderer(RDFResource resource, TripleStore tripleStore, XMLWriter writer)
RDFResourceRenderer(Visitable rdfResource, TripleStore tripleStore, XMLWriter writer)

Uses of XMLWriter in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.rdfxml.util

Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.rdfxml.util with parameters of type XMLWriter
static void Util.insertProperties(RDFResource resource, TripleStore tripleStore, XMLWriter writer)
          Inserts a property-value triple for a specified resource.
static void Util.inlineObject(Visitable object, TripleStore tripleStore, XMLWriter writer)
          Inserts the object of a triple.
static void Util.insertAboutAttribute(RDFResource resource, XMLWriter writer)
          Inserts an rdf:about attribute for the specified resource.
static void Util.insertIDOrAboutAttribute(RDFResource resource, TripleStore tripleStore, XMLWriter writer)
          Inserts an rdf:ID attribute for the specified resource.
static void Util.insertResourceAttribute(RDFResource resource, XMLWriter writer)
          Inserts an rdf:resource attribute for the specified resource.
static String Util.getResourceAttributeName(RDFResource resource, XMLWriter writer)
          Gets the value for a resource attribute value such as rdf:about or rdf:resource.
static void Util.insertResourceAsElement(RDFResource resource, XMLWriter writer)
          Creates a new element, with a tag name that reflects the default namespace of the XMLWriter
static boolean Util.isInDefaultNamespace(RDFResource resource, XMLWriter writer)
          Checks whether a resource is in the default namespace for an XMLWriter
static void Util.renderTypes(RDFResource resource, TripleStore tripleStore, RDFResource excludeType, XMLWriter writer)
          Renders the types for a resource as rdf:type triples.

Uses of XMLWriter in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.xml

Classes in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.xml that implement XMLWriter
 class DefaultXMLWriter
          User: matthewhorridge
The Univeristy Of Manchester
Medical Informatics Group
Date: Mar 22, 2005


Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.xml that return XMLWriter
 XMLWriter XMLWriterFactory.createXMLWriter(Writer writer, XMLWriterNamespaceManager xmlWriterNamespaceManager, String xmlBase)
          Creates an XMLWriter.