Interface ProgressManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ProgressManager

An interface for objects that can manage the status and cancellation of a longish operation on an OWLModel. The use contract of this is

  1. run()
  2. ( set...() | isCancelled() )*
  3. end()

A typical implementation of this interface would display a status dialog with a status text, perhaps an icon, and perhaps a status bar showing progress from left to right.

Holger Knublauch

Method Summary
 void begin(String title, boolean canBeCancelled)
          Notifies the manager that a new modal process is about to start.
 void end()
          Notifies the manager that the recently started process has ended.
 boolean isCancelled()
          Checks if the user has cancelled the current process.
 void setIcon(Class iconBaseClass, String iconName)
          Specifies an (optional) icon that can be displayed alongside with the status text.
 void setProgress(double progress)
          Sets an (optional) value for progress bars.
 void setText(String text)
          Changes the status text that is being displayed.

Method Detail


public void begin(String title,
                  boolean canBeCancelled)
Notifies the manager that a new modal process is about to start. Calling this method is only valid if no other process is currently managed by this instance.

title - an (optional) title that could be displayed in a dialog etc.


public void end()
Notifies the manager that the recently started process has ended. This method must always be called after a process was terminated so that the manager can close windows, etc.


public boolean isCancelled()
Checks if the user has cancelled the current process. The process can call this method occasionally to interrupt itself, and then invoke endProcess()
true if the user wants to cancel


public void setProgress(double progress)
Sets an (optional) value for progress bars. The caller typically makes sure that the values increase continuously from 0 to 1

progress - the progress value between 0 and 1


public void setIcon(Class iconBaseClass,
                    String iconName)
Specifies an (optional) icon that can be displayed alongside with the status text.

iconBaseClass - the Class that the icon is relative to
iconName - the file name relative to the base class


public void setText(String text)
Changes the status text that is being displayed.

text - the new text