Interface Summary | |
Deprecatable | A common interface for resources that can be deprecated, i.e. |
NamespaceManager | An interface for objects capable of mapping true URI namespaces into their prefixed (e.g., "owl") and vice-versa. |
NamespaceManagerListener | An interface for listeners of NamespaceKnowledgeBases. |
NamespaceMap | An interface for objects capable of mapping true URI namespaces into their prefixed (e.g., "owl") and vice-versa. |
OWLAllDifferent | An RDFResource that represents a block of owl:AllDifferent individuals. |
OWLAllValuesFrom | An owl:allValueFrom restriction. |
OWLAnonymousClass | The base class of all anonymous OWL class types. |
OWLCardinality | A class representing an owl:cardinality restriction. |
OWLCardinalityBase | The base interface of the various cardinality restrictions. |
OWLClass | The common base interface for OWLNamedClass and OWLAnonymousClass. |
OWLComplementClass | A OWLLogicalClass to represent a complement. |
OWLDataRange | An RDFResource representing an owl:DataRange, i.e. an enumeration of literal values. |
OWLDatatypeProperty | An OWLProperty with a primitive datatype as range. |
OWLEnumeratedClass | An enumerated class which lists valid individuals as its values of the owl:oneOf property. |
OWLExistentialRestriction | A common base interface for OWLHasValue and OWLSomeValuesFrom restrictions. |
OWLHasValue | A class representing an owl:hasValue restriction. |
OWLIndividual | A simple instance of an owl:Class (i.e. neither a class nor a property). |
OWLIntersectionClass | A OWLLogicalClass that represents an intersection of its operands. |
OWLLogicalClass | The base interface of intersection, union and complement metaclasses. |
OWLMaxCardinality | A Cls representing a maximumCardinality restriction. |
OWLMinCardinality | A Cls representing a minimumCardinality restriction. |
OWLModel | A KnowledgeBase with a number of convenience methods to handle anonymous classes. |
OWLNamedClass | A named OWL class. |
OWLNames | Defines the names of the OWL system ontology. |
OWLNames.Cls | |
OWLNames.ClsID | |
OWLNames.Slot | |
OWLNAryLogicalClass | |
OWLObjectProperty | An OWL property with objects as values. |
OWLOntology | A RDFIndividual that represents an OWL Ontology (tag). |
OWLProperty | The common base interface of OWLDatatypeProperty and OWLObjectProperty. |
OWLQuantifierRestriction | The common base interface of OWLAllValuesFrom and OWLSomeValuesFrom. |
OWLRestriction | The base class of all OWL restriction classes. |
OWLSomeValuesFrom | A some-values-from OWLRestriction. |
OWLUnionClass | A OWLLogicalClass which consists of the union of its operands. |
ProgressManager | An interface for objects that can manage the status and cancellation of a longish operation on an OWLModel. |
ProtegeCls | |
ProtegeInstance | An interface to wrap the Protege Instance and Frame interfaces for OWL. |
ProtegeKnowledgeBase | |
ProtegeNames.Slot | |
ProtegeSlot | An interface to wrap the Protege Slot interface for OWL. |
RDFExternalResource | An Instance that represents a reference to an external URI. |
RDFIndividual | A simple OWL instance (i.e. neither a class nor a property). |
RDFList | An RDFResource represents an rdf:List. |
RDFNames | Defines the names of the RDF(S) related parts of the OWL system ontology. |
RDFNames.Cls | |
RDFNames.ClsID | |
RDFNames.Instance | |
RDFNames.Slot | |
RDFObject | The common type of RDFSLiteral and RDFResource. |
RDFProperty | An RDFResource representing an rdf:Property or an instance of a subclass of rdf:Property such as owl:ObjectProperty and owl:FunctionalProperty. |
RDFResource | The base interface for various OWL classes, slots and instances. |
RDFSClass | The base interface of the RDFS/OWL classes used by the OWL Plugin. |
RDFSDatatype | An RDF resource representing an XML Schema datatype. |
RDFSDatatypeFactory | An interface for objects that can create user-defined XML Schema datatypes. |
RDFSLiteral | An interface to represent an RDF/XML Schema literal. |
RDFSNamedClass | |
RDFSNames | Defines the names of the RDFS related parts of the OWL system ontology. |
RDFSNames.Cls | |
RDFSNames.ClsID | |
RDFSNames.Slot | |
RDFUntypedResource | An rdf:Resource without any rdf:type. |
Task | User: matthewhorridge The University Of Manchester Medical Informatics Group Date: Sep 11, 2005
matthew.horridge@cs.man.ac.uk Represents a task that could potentially take a significant amount of time to complete and should therefore have some kind of progress display if this is the case. |
TaskManager | User: matthewhorridge The University Of Manchester Medical Informatics Group Date: Sep 11, 2005
matthew.horridge@cs.man.ac.uk |
TaskProgressDisplay | User: matthewhorridge The University Of Manchester Medical Informatics Group Date: Sep 11, 2005
matthew.horridge@cs.man.ac.uk |
XSDNames | |
XSDNames.Facet | |
XSPNames | Constants for the Protege XML Schema datatype extensions. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractTask | User: matthewhorridge The University Of Manchester Medical Informatics Group Date: Sep 12, 2005
matthew.horridge@cs.man.ac.uk |
DefaultTaskManager | The default implementation of TaskManager. |
NamespaceManagerAdapter | An empty implementation of the NamespaceManagerListener interface. |
ProtegeNames | The namespaces and names from the Protege meta ontology. |