Package edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model

Interface Summary
Deprecatable A common interface for resources that can be deprecated, i.e.
NamespaceManager An interface for objects capable of mapping true URI namespaces into their prefixed (e.g., "owl") and vice-versa.
NamespaceManagerListener An interface for listeners of NamespaceKnowledgeBases.
NamespaceMap An interface for objects capable of mapping true URI namespaces into their prefixed (e.g., "owl") and vice-versa.
OWLAllDifferent An RDFResource that represents a block of owl:AllDifferent individuals.
OWLAllValuesFrom An owl:allValueFrom restriction.
OWLAnonymousClass The base class of all anonymous OWL class types.
OWLCardinality A class representing an owl:cardinality restriction.
OWLCardinalityBase The base interface of the various cardinality restrictions.
OWLClass The common base interface for OWLNamedClass and OWLAnonymousClass.
OWLComplementClass A OWLLogicalClass to represent a complement.
OWLDataRange An RDFResource representing an owl:DataRange, i.e. an enumeration of literal values.
OWLDatatypeProperty An OWLProperty with a primitive datatype as range.
OWLEnumeratedClass An enumerated class which lists valid individuals as its values of the owl:oneOf property.
OWLExistentialRestriction A common base interface for OWLHasValue and OWLSomeValuesFrom restrictions.
OWLHasValue A class representing an owl:hasValue restriction.
OWLIndividual A simple instance of an owl:Class (i.e. neither a class nor a property).
OWLIntersectionClass A OWLLogicalClass that represents an intersection of its operands.
OWLLogicalClass The base interface of intersection, union and complement metaclasses.
OWLMaxCardinality A Cls representing a maximumCardinality restriction.
OWLMinCardinality A Cls representing a minimumCardinality restriction.
OWLModel A KnowledgeBase with a number of convenience methods to handle anonymous classes.
OWLNamedClass A named OWL class.
OWLNames Defines the names of the OWL system ontology.
OWLObjectProperty An OWL property with objects as values.
OWLOntology A RDFIndividual that represents an OWL Ontology (tag).
OWLProperty The common base interface of OWLDatatypeProperty and OWLObjectProperty.
OWLQuantifierRestriction The common base interface of OWLAllValuesFrom and OWLSomeValuesFrom.
OWLRestriction The base class of all OWL restriction classes.
OWLSomeValuesFrom A some-values-from OWLRestriction.
OWLUnionClass A OWLLogicalClass which consists of the union of its operands.
ProgressManager An interface for objects that can manage the status and cancellation of a longish operation on an OWLModel.
ProtegeInstance An interface to wrap the Protege Instance and Frame interfaces for OWL.
ProtegeSlot An interface to wrap the Protege Slot interface for OWL.
RDFExternalResource An Instance that represents a reference to an external URI.
RDFIndividual A simple OWL instance (i.e. neither a class nor a property).
RDFList An RDFResource represents an rdf:List.
RDFNames Defines the names of the RDF(S) related parts of the OWL system ontology.
RDFObject The common type of RDFSLiteral and RDFResource.
RDFProperty An RDFResource representing an rdf:Property or an instance of a subclass of rdf:Property such as owl:ObjectProperty and owl:FunctionalProperty.
RDFResource The base interface for various OWL classes, slots and instances.
RDFSClass The base interface of the RDFS/OWL classes used by the OWL Plugin.
RDFSDatatype An RDF resource representing an XML Schema datatype.
RDFSDatatypeFactory An interface for objects that can create user-defined XML Schema datatypes.
RDFSLiteral An interface to represent an RDF/XML Schema literal.
RDFSNames Defines the names of the RDFS related parts of the OWL system ontology.
RDFUntypedResource An rdf:Resource without any rdf:type.
Task User: matthewhorridge
The University Of Manchester
Medical Informatics Group
Date: Sep 11, 2005

Represents a task that could potentially take a significant amount of time to complete and should therefore have some kind of progress display if this is the case.

TaskManager User: matthewhorridge
The University Of Manchester
Medical Informatics Group
Date: Sep 11, 2005

TaskProgressDisplay User: matthewhorridge
The University Of Manchester
Medical Informatics Group
Date: Sep 11, 2005

XSPNames Constants for the Protege XML Schema datatype extensions.

Class Summary
AbstractTask User: matthewhorridge
The University Of Manchester
Medical Informatics Group
Date: Sep 12, 2005

DefaultTaskManager The default implementation of TaskManager.
NamespaceManagerAdapter An empty implementation of the NamespaceManagerListener interface.
ProtegeNames The namespaces and names from the Protege meta ontology.