Uses of Interface

Packages that use ProtegeCls

Uses of ProtegeCls in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model

Subinterfaces of ProtegeCls in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model
 interface OWLAllValuesFrom
          An owl:allValueFrom restriction.
 interface OWLAnonymousClass
          The base class of all anonymous OWL class types.
 interface OWLCardinality
          A class representing an owl:cardinality restriction.
 interface OWLCardinalityBase
          The base interface of the various cardinality restrictions.
 interface OWLClass
          The common base interface for OWLNamedClass and OWLAnonymousClass.
 interface OWLComplementClass
          A OWLLogicalClass to represent a complement.
 interface OWLEnumeratedClass
          An enumerated class which lists valid individuals as its values of the owl:oneOf property.
 interface OWLExistentialRestriction
          A common base interface for OWLHasValue and OWLSomeValuesFrom restrictions.
 interface OWLHasValue
          A class representing an owl:hasValue restriction.
 interface OWLIntersectionClass
          A OWLLogicalClass that represents an intersection of its operands.
 interface OWLLogicalClass
          The base interface of intersection, union and complement metaclasses.
 interface OWLMaxCardinality
          A Cls representing a maximumCardinality restriction.
 interface OWLMinCardinality
          A Cls representing a minimumCardinality restriction.
 interface OWLNamedClass
          A named OWL class.
 interface OWLNAryLogicalClass
 interface OWLQuantifierRestriction
          The common base interface of OWLAllValuesFrom and OWLSomeValuesFrom.
 interface OWLRestriction
          The base class of all OWL restriction classes.
 interface OWLSomeValuesFrom
          A some-values-from OWLRestriction.
 interface OWLUnionClass
          A OWLLogicalClass which consists of the union of its operands.
 interface RDFSClass
          The base interface of the RDFS/OWL classes used by the OWL Plugin.
 interface RDFSNamedClass

Uses of ProtegeCls in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.impl

Classes in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.impl that implement ProtegeCls
 class AbstractOWLAnonymousClass
          A base implementation of OWLAnonymousClass.
 class AbstractOWLCardinalityBase
          The base class of MaxCardi and OWLMinCardinality.
 class AbstractOWLLogicalClass
          A basic implementation of OWLLogicalClass.
 class AbstractOWLNAryLogicalClass
          The base class of DefaultOWLIntersectionClass and DefaultOWLUnionClass.
 class AbstractOWLQuantifierRestriction
          The common base class of DefaultOWLAllValuesFrom and DefaultOWLSomeValuesFrom.
 class AbstractOWLRestriction
          A basic implementation of the OWLRestriction interface.
 class AbstractRDFSClass
          A basic implementation of the RDFSClass interface that provides support for disjoint classes.
 class DefaultOWLAllValuesFrom
          The default implementation of OWLAllValuesFrom.
 class DefaultOWLCardinality
          A class representing a cardinality restriction.
 class DefaultOWLComplementClass
 class DefaultOWLEnumeratedClass
          The default implementation of OWLEnumeratedClass.
 class DefaultOWLHasValue
          A Cls representing a hasValue restriction.
 class DefaultOWLIntersectionClass
          The default implementation of the OWLIntersectionClass interface.
 class DefaultOWLMaxCardinality
          A Cls representing a maximumCardinality restriction.
 class DefaultOWLMinCardinality
          A Cls representing a minimumCardinality restriction.
 class DefaultOWLNamedClass
          The default implementation of the OWLNamedClass interface.
 class DefaultOWLSomeValuesFrom
          The default implementation of OWLSomeValuesFrom.
 class DefaultOWLUnionClass
          The default implementation of OWLUnionClass.
 class DefaultRDFSNamedClass