Uses of Interface

Packages that use Visitable

Uses of Visitable in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model

Subinterfaces of Visitable in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model
 interface OWLAllDifferent
          An RDFResource that represents a block of owl:AllDifferent individuals.
 interface OWLAllValuesFrom
          An owl:allValueFrom restriction.
 interface OWLAnonymousClass
          The base class of all anonymous OWL class types.
 interface OWLCardinality
          A class representing an owl:cardinality restriction.
 interface OWLCardinalityBase
          The base interface of the various cardinality restrictions.
 interface OWLClass
          The common base interface for OWLNamedClass and OWLAnonymousClass.
 interface OWLComplementClass
          A OWLLogicalClass to represent a complement.
 interface OWLDataRange
          An RDFResource representing an owl:DataRange, i.e. an enumeration of literal values.
 interface OWLDatatypeProperty
          An OWLProperty with a primitive datatype as range.
 interface OWLEnumeratedClass
          An enumerated class which lists valid individuals as its values of the owl:oneOf property.
 interface OWLExistentialRestriction
          A common base interface for OWLHasValue and OWLSomeValuesFrom restrictions.
 interface OWLHasValue
          A class representing an owl:hasValue restriction.
 interface OWLIndividual
          A simple instance of an owl:Class (i.e. neither a class nor a property).
 interface OWLIntersectionClass
          A OWLLogicalClass that represents an intersection of its operands.
 interface OWLLogicalClass
          The base interface of intersection, union and complement metaclasses.
 interface OWLMaxCardinality
          A Cls representing a maximumCardinality restriction.
 interface OWLMinCardinality
          A Cls representing a minimumCardinality restriction.
 interface OWLNamedClass
          A named OWL class.
 interface OWLNAryLogicalClass
 interface OWLObjectProperty
          An OWL property with objects as values.
 interface OWLOntology
          A RDFIndividual that represents an OWL Ontology (tag).
 interface OWLProperty
          The common base interface of OWLDatatypeProperty and OWLObjectProperty.
 interface OWLQuantifierRestriction
          The common base interface of OWLAllValuesFrom and OWLSomeValuesFrom.
 interface OWLRestriction
          The base class of all OWL restriction classes.
 interface OWLSomeValuesFrom
          A some-values-from OWLRestriction.
 interface OWLUnionClass
          A OWLLogicalClass which consists of the union of its operands.
 interface RDFExternalResource
          An Instance that represents a reference to an external URI.
 interface RDFIndividual
          A simple OWL instance (i.e. neither a class nor a property).
 interface RDFList
          An RDFResource represents an rdf:List.
 interface RDFProperty
          An RDFResource representing an rdf:Property or an instance of a subclass of rdf:Property such as owl:ObjectProperty and owl:FunctionalProperty.
 interface RDFResource
          The base interface for various OWL classes, slots and instances.
 interface RDFSClass
          The base interface of the RDFS/OWL classes used by the OWL Plugin.
 interface RDFSDatatype
          An RDF resource representing an XML Schema datatype.
 interface RDFSLiteral
          An interface to represent an RDF/XML Schema literal.
 interface RDFSNamedClass
 interface RDFUntypedResource
          An rdf:Resource without any rdf:type.

Uses of Visitable in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.factory.tests

Subinterfaces of Visitable in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.factory.tests
 interface TestPerson
          A test interface only.

Uses of Visitable in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.factory.tests.impl

Classes in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.factory.tests.impl that implement Visitable
 class DefaultTestPerson

Uses of Visitable in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.impl

Classes in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.impl that implement Visitable
 class AbstractOWLAnonymousClass
          A base implementation of OWLAnonymousClass.
 class AbstractOWLCardinalityBase
          The base class of MaxCardi and OWLMinCardinality.
 class AbstractOWLLogicalClass
          A basic implementation of OWLLogicalClass.
 class AbstractOWLNAryLogicalClass
          The base class of DefaultOWLIntersectionClass and DefaultOWLUnionClass.
 class AbstractOWLProperty
          The default implementation of the OWLProperty interface.
 class AbstractOWLQuantifierRestriction
          The common base class of DefaultOWLAllValuesFrom and DefaultOWLSomeValuesFrom.
 class AbstractOWLRestriction
          A basic implementation of the OWLRestriction interface.
 class AbstractRDFSClass
          A basic implementation of the RDFSClass interface that provides support for disjoint classes.
 class DefaultOWLAllDifferent
 class DefaultOWLAllValuesFrom
          The default implementation of OWLAllValuesFrom.
 class DefaultOWLCardinality
          A class representing a cardinality restriction.
 class DefaultOWLComplementClass
 class DefaultOWLDataRange
 class DefaultOWLDatatypeProperty
          The default implementation of the OWLDatatypeProperty interface.
 class DefaultOWLEnumeratedClass
          The default implementation of OWLEnumeratedClass.
 class DefaultOWLHasValue
          A Cls representing a hasValue restriction.
 class DefaultOWLIndividual
 class DefaultOWLIntersectionClass
          The default implementation of the OWLIntersectionClass interface.
 class DefaultOWLMaxCardinality
          A Cls representing a maximumCardinality restriction.
 class DefaultOWLMinCardinality
          A Cls representing a minimumCardinality restriction.
 class DefaultOWLNamedClass
          The default implementation of the OWLNamedClass interface.
 class DefaultOWLObjectProperty
          The default implementation of the OWLObjectProperty interface.
 class DefaultOWLOntology
          The default implementation of the OWLObjectProperty interface.
 class DefaultOWLSomeValuesFrom
          The default implementation of OWLSomeValuesFrom.
 class DefaultOWLUnionClass
          The default implementation of OWLUnionClass.
 class DefaultRDFExternalResource
 class DefaultRDFIndividual
 class DefaultRDFList
 class DefaultRDFProperty
          The default implementation of the OWLProperty interface.
 class DefaultRDFSDatatype
 class DefaultRDFSLiteral
 class DefaultRDFSNamedClass
 class DefaultRDFUntypedResource
          The default implementation of RDFUntypedResource.

Uses of Visitable in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.swrl.model

Subinterfaces of Visitable in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.swrl.model
 interface SWRLAtom
          The base interface of the various atom types in SWRL.
 interface SWRLAtomList
 interface SWRLBuiltin
          An instance representing a SWRL builtin.
 interface SWRLBuiltinAtom
 interface SWRLClassAtom
 interface SWRLDataRangeAtom
 interface SWRLDatavaluedPropertyAtom
 interface SWRLDifferentIndividualsAtom
 interface SWRLImp
 interface SWRLIndividual
          The common base interface of all SWRL related classes.
 interface SWRLIndividualPropertyAtom
 interface SWRLIndividualsAtom
 interface SWRLSameIndividualAtom
 interface SWRLVariable

Uses of Visitable in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.swrl.model.impl

Classes in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.swrl.model.impl that implement Visitable
 class AbstractSWRLIndividualsAtom
 class DefaultSWRLAtom
 class DefaultSWRLAtomList
 class DefaultSWRLBuiltin
 class DefaultSWRLBuiltinAtom
 class DefaultSWRLClassAtom
 class DefaultSWRLDataRangeAtom
 class DefaultSWRLDatavaluedPropertyAtom
 class DefaultSWRLDifferentIndividualsAtom
 class DefaultSWRLImp
 class DefaultSWRLIndividualPropertyAtom
 class DefaultSWRLSameIndividualAtom
 class DefaultSWRLVariable

Uses of Visitable in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.rdfxml.renderer

Fields in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.rdfxml.renderer declared as Visitable
private  Visitable RDFResourceRenderer.resource

Constructors in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.rdfxml.renderer with parameters of type Visitable
RDFResourceRenderer(Visitable rdfResource, TripleStore tripleStore, XMLWriter writer)

Uses of Visitable in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.rdfxml.util

Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.rdfxml.util with parameters of type Visitable
static void Util.inlineObject(Visitable object, TripleStore tripleStore, XMLWriter writer)
          Inserts the object of a triple.