Uses of OWLProperty in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.inference.dig.translator |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.inference.dig.translator with parameters of type OWLProperty | |
void |
DefaultDIGRenderer.renderAxioms(OWLProperty property,
Document doc,
Node parentNode)
protected void |
DefaultDIGRenderer.renderSuperSlots(OWLProperty property,
Document doc,
Node parentNode)
protected void |
DefaultDIGRenderer.renderEquivalentSlots(OWLProperty property,
Document doc,
Node parentNode)
protected void |
DefaultDIGRenderer.renderSlotDomain(OWLProperty property,
Document doc,
Node parentNode)
protected void |
DefaultDIGRenderer.renderSlotRange(OWLProperty property,
Document doc,
Node parentNode)
protected void |
DefaultDIGRenderer.renderInverseSlot(OWLProperty property,
Document doc,
Node parentNode)
protected void |
DefaultDIGRenderer.renderInverseFunctionalSlot(OWLProperty property,
Document doc,
Node parentNode)
protected void |
DefaultDIGRenderer.renderTransitiveSlot(OWLProperty property,
Document doc,
Node parentNode)
protected void |
DefaultDIGRenderer.renderSymmetricSlot(OWLProperty property,
Document doc,
Node parentNode)
protected void |
DefaultDIGRenderer.renderFunctionalSlot(OWLProperty property,
Document doc,
Node parentNode)
void |
DIGTranslator.createDirectSuperPropertiesQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
OWLProperty property)
Creates a query that asks for the direct super properties of a given property. |
void |
DIGTranslator.createDirectSubPropertiesQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
OWLProperty property)
Creates a query that asks for the direct sub properties of a given property. |
void |
DIGTranslator.createAncestorPropertiesQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
OWLProperty property)
Creates a query that asks for the ancestor properties (i.e. all super properties and not just direct super properties) of a given property. |
void |
DIGTranslator.createDescendantPropertiesQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
OWLProperty property)
Creates a query that asks for the descendant properties (i.e. all sub properties and not just the direct sub properties) of a given property. |
void |
DIGTranslator.createPropertyFillersQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFIndividual ins,
OWLProperty property)
Creates a query that asks for the fillers for a qiven individual/property pair. |
void |
DIGTranslator.createRelatedIndividualsQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
OWLProperty property)
Creates a query that asks for the individuals that are related to each other via a given property. |
void |
DIGRenderer.renderAxioms(OWLProperty property,
Document doc,
Node parentNode)
void |
DefaultDIGTranslator.createDirectSuperPropertiesQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
OWLProperty property)
void |
DefaultDIGTranslator.createDirectSubPropertiesQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
OWLProperty property)
void |
DefaultDIGTranslator.createAncestorPropertiesQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
OWLProperty property)
void |
DefaultDIGTranslator.createDescendantPropertiesQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
OWLProperty property)
void |
DefaultDIGTranslator.createPropertyFillersQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFIndividual ins,
OWLProperty property)
void |
DefaultDIGTranslator.createRelatedIndividualsQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
OWLProperty property)
Uses of OWLProperty in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.jena.creator |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.jena.creator with parameters of type OWLProperty | |
private void |
JenaCreator.addEquivalentProperties(OWLProperty property,
com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntProperty ontProperty)
Uses of OWLProperty in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model |
Subinterfaces of OWLProperty in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model | |
interface |
An OWLProperty with a primitive datatype as range. |
interface |
An OWL property with objects as values. |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model that return OWLProperty | |
OWLProperty |
OWLModel.getOWLProperty(String name)
A convenience method including typecast. |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model with parameters of type OWLProperty | |
void |
RDFProperty.removeEquivalentProperty(OWLProperty property)
Removes a property from the list of equivalent properties. |
Uses of OWLProperty in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.framestore |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.framestore with parameters of type OWLProperty | |
void |
OWLFrameStore.deleteQuantifierRestrictions(OWLProperty property)
Deletes all QuantifierRestrictions (and the expressions where they are used) which restrict a given propertyerty. |
Uses of OWLProperty in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.impl |
Classes in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.impl that implement OWLProperty | |
class |
The default implementation of the OWLProperty interface. |
class |
The default implementation of the OWLDatatypeProperty interface. |
class |
The default implementation of the OWLObjectProperty interface. |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.impl that return OWLProperty | |
OWLProperty |
AbstractOWLModel.getOWLProperty(String name)
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.impl with parameters of type OWLProperty | |
void |
DefaultRDFProperty.removeEquivalentProperty(OWLProperty property)
private void |
AbstractOWLModel.deleteRestrictionsDependingOnPropertyType(OWLProperty owlProperty,
edu.stanford.smi.protege.model.Cls type)
Uses of OWLProperty in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.impl.tests |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.impl.tests with parameters of type OWLProperty | |
private void |
AnnotationPropertyTestCase.assertAnnotationProperty(OWLProperty property)
Uses of OWLProperty in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.testing.sanity |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.testing.sanity with parameters of type OWLProperty | |
static boolean |
InverseOfSubpropertyMustBeSubpropertyOfInverseOfSuperpropertyTest.repair(OWLProperty property)
static void |
SymmetricPropertyMustHaveEqualRangeAndDomainTest.repairDomainIntoRange(OWLProperty property)
static void |
SymmetricPropertyMustHaveEqualRangeAndDomainTest.repairRangeIntoDomain(OWLProperty property)
static boolean |
InverseOfTopLevelPropertyMustBeTopLevelPropertyTest.repair(OWLProperty property)
Uses of OWLProperty in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.conditions |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.conditions with parameters of type OWLProperty | |
void |
AbstractConditionsWidget.displayRowsWithProperty(OWLProperty property)
void |
ConditionsWidget.displayRowsWithProperty(OWLProperty property)
void |
PropertyConditionsDisplay.displayRowsWithProperty(OWLProperty property)
void |
ConditionsTable.displayRowsWithProperty(OWLProperty property)
Uses of OWLProperty in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.properties |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.properties with parameters of type OWLProperty | |
private void |
OWLInversePropertyWidget.adjustDomainAndRange(OWLProperty forwardProperty,
OWLProperty inverseProperty)
void |
OWLPropertiesTab.setSelectedSlot(OWLProperty property)
Deprecated. |