Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.compactparser |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.compactparser that return RDFSClass | |
static RDFSClass |
OWLCompactParser.parseCls(OWLModel owlModel,
String text)
Deprecated. |
RDFSClass |
Deprecated. |
RDFSClass |
Deprecated. |
RDFSClass |
Deprecated. |
RDFSClass |
Deprecated. |
RDFSClass |
Deprecated. |
RDFSClass |
Deprecated. |
RDFSClass |
Deprecated. |
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.inference.dig.translator |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.inference.dig.translator with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
protected boolean |
DefaultDIGRenderer.renderAppropriateCls(RDFSClass aClass,
Document doc,
Node parentNode)
void |
DIGTranslator.createSatisfiableQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass aClass)
Creates a query that asks if a given class is satisfiable. |
void |
DIGTranslator.createSatisfiableQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass[] clses)
Creates a query that asks if the intersection of a list of classes is satisfiable/consistent. |
void |
DIGTranslator.createSubsumesQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass cls1,
RDFSClass cls2)
Creates a query that asks if one concept subsumes another concept. |
void |
DIGTranslator.createDisjointQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass cls1,
RDFSClass cls2)
Creates a query that asks if one concept is disjoint with another concept. |
void |
DIGTranslator.createDirectSuperConceptsQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass aClass)
Creates a query that asks for the direct super concepts of a given concept. |
void |
DIGTranslator.createDirectSuperConceptsQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass[] clses)
Creates a query that asks for the direct super concepts of an intersection of classes. |
void |
DIGTranslator.createDirectSubConceptsQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass aClass)
Creates a query that asks for the direct sub concepts of a given concept. |
void |
DIGTranslator.createAncestorConceptsQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass aClass)
Creates a query that asks for the ancestor concepts of a given concept, this includes all super concepts (not just direct ones). |
void |
DIGTranslator.createDescendantConceptsQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass aClass)
Creates a query that asks for the descendant concepts of a given concept. |
void |
DIGTranslator.createEquivalentConceptsQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass aClass)
Creates a query that asks for the concepts that are equivalent (i.e. |
void |
DIGTranslator.createInstancesOfConceptQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass aClass)
Creates a query that asks for the instances (individuals belonging to) a given concept. |
void |
DIGTranslator.createIndividualInstanceOfConceptQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFIndividual ins,
RDFSClass aClass)
Creates a query that asks if an individual is an instance (member of) a given class. |
void |
DefaultDIGTranslator.createSatisfiableQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass aClass)
void |
DefaultDIGTranslator.createSatisfiableQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass[] clses)
void |
DefaultDIGTranslator.createSubsumesQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass cls1,
RDFSClass cls2)
void |
DefaultDIGTranslator.createDisjointQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass cls1,
RDFSClass cls2)
void |
DefaultDIGTranslator.createDirectSuperConceptsQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass aClass)
void |
DefaultDIGTranslator.createDirectSuperConceptsQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass[] clses)
void |
DefaultDIGTranslator.createDirectSubConceptsQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass aClass)
void |
DefaultDIGTranslator.createAncestorConceptsQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass aClass)
void |
DefaultDIGTranslator.createDescendantConceptsQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass aClass)
void |
DefaultDIGTranslator.createEquivalentConceptsQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass aClass)
void |
DefaultDIGTranslator.createInstancesOfConceptQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFSClass aClass)
void |
DefaultDIGTranslator.createIndividualInstanceOfConceptQuery(Document doc,
String queryID,
RDFIndividual ins,
RDFSClass aClass)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.inference.protegeowl.log |
Fields in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.inference.protegeowl.log declared as RDFSClass | |
private RDFSClass |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.inference.protegeowl.log that return RDFSClass | |
RDFSClass |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.inference.protegeowl.log with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
ReasonerLogRecord |
ReasonerLogRecordFactory.createConceptConsistencyLogRecord(RDFSClass aClass,
boolean consistent,
ReasonerLogRecord parent)
Constructors in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.inference.protegeowl.log with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
DefaultConceptConsistencyLogRecord(RDFSClass aClass,
boolean consistent,
ReasonerLogRecord parent)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.inference.protegeowl.task |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.inference.protegeowl.task that return RDFSClass | |
protected RDFSClass |
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.javacode |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.javacode with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
private String |
JavaCodeGenerator.getSystemJavaClass(RDFSClass superclass)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.jena.creator |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.jena.creator with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
private com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntClass |
JenaCreator.getOntClass(RDFSClass rdfsClass)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model |
Subinterfaces of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model | |
interface |
An owl:allValueFrom restriction. |
interface |
The base class of all anonymous OWL class types. |
interface |
A class representing an owl:cardinality restriction. |
interface |
The base interface of the various cardinality restrictions. |
interface |
The common base interface for OWLNamedClass and OWLAnonymousClass. |
interface |
A OWLLogicalClass to represent a complement. |
interface |
An enumerated class which lists valid individuals as its values of the owl:oneOf property. |
interface |
A common base interface for OWLHasValue and OWLSomeValuesFrom restrictions. |
interface |
A class representing an owl:hasValue restriction. |
interface |
A OWLLogicalClass that represents an intersection of its operands. |
interface |
The base interface of intersection, union and complement metaclasses. |
interface |
A Cls representing a maximumCardinality restriction. |
interface |
A Cls representing a minimumCardinality restriction. |
interface |
A named OWL class. |
interface |
interface |
The common base interface of OWLAllValuesFrom and OWLSomeValuesFrom. |
interface |
The base class of all OWL restriction classes. |
interface |
A some-values-from OWLRestriction. |
interface |
A OWLLogicalClass which consists of the union of its operands. |
interface |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model that return RDFSClass | |
RDFSClass |
Gets the first asserted type of this resource. |
RDFSClass |
Gets the first asserted rdf:type of this resource. |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
Gets the first equivalent class of this, or null if none is equivalent. |
RDFSClass |
A convenience method to get the first direct superclass of this. |
RDFSClass |
Creates a clone of this, which contains a completely new expression tree. |
RDFSClass |
RDFProperty.getDomain(boolean includingSuperproperties)
Gets the first value of the rdfs:domain property. |
RDFSClass |
Gets the qualifier class. |
RDFSClass |
If this is a qualified cardinality restriction, then this gets the owl:valuesFrom property value. |
RDFSClass |
OWLModel.createRDFSClassFromExpression(String parsableExpression)
Gets or creates an RDFSClass based on a parsable expression. |
RDFSClass |
Deprecated. use getRDFUntypedResourcesClass |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
void |
RDFResource.addProtegeType(RDFSClass type)
Adds an type to this resource. |
void |
RDFResource.addRDFType(RDFSClass type)
Adds an rdf:type to this resource. |
boolean |
RDFResource.hasProtegeType(RDFSClass type)
Checks whether this resource has a given type. |
boolean |
RDFResource.hasProtegeType(RDFSClass type,
boolean includingSuperclasses)
boolean |
RDFResource.hasRDFType(RDFSClass type)
Checks whether this resource has a given rdf:type. |
boolean |
RDFResource.hasRDFType(RDFSClass type,
boolean includingSuperclasses)
void |
RDFResource.removeProtegeType(RDFSClass type)
Removes a type from this resource. |
void |
RDFResource.removeRDFType(RDFSClass type)
Removes an rdf:type from this resource. |
void |
RDFResource.setProtegeType(RDFSClass type)
void |
RDFResource.setRDFType(RDFSClass type)
void |
OWLComplementClass.setComplement(RDFSClass complement)
void |
OWLNamedClass.addDisjointClass(RDFSClass disjointClass)
Adds a class to the list of disjoint classes of this. |
void |
OWLNamedClass.addEquivalentClass(RDFSClass equivalentClass)
Adds a given class to the list of equivalent classes of this. |
void |
OWLNamedClass.addInferredSuperclass(RDFSClass superclass)
Adds a computed superclass, as the result of a classification. |
void |
OWLNamedClass.removeDisjointClass(RDFSClass disjointClass)
Removes a disjoint class of this. |
void |
OWLNamedClass.removeEquivalentClass(RDFSClass equivalentClass)
Removes an equivalent class. |
void |
OWLNamedClass.removeInferredSuperclass(RDFSClass superclass)
Removes a computed superclass, as the result of a classification. |
void |
OWLNamedClass.setDefinition(RDFSClass definingClass)
Removes all equivalent classes and then adds the given class (as definition). |
void |
RDFSClass.addSuperclass(RDFSClass superclass)
Adds a class to the rdfs:subClassOfs of this. |
boolean |
RDFSClass.hasEquivalentClass(RDFSClass other)
Checks whether this is a (direct) equivalent class of a given other Cls. |
boolean |
RDFSClass.isSubclassOf(RDFSClass superclass)
Checks whether this is a (direct) subclass of a given class. |
void |
RDFSClass.removeSuperclass(RDFSClass superclass)
Removes a given class from the superclasses of this. |
void |
OWLNAryLogicalClass.addOperand(RDFSClass operand)
Adds an operand to this. |
void |
OWLNAryLogicalClass.removeOperand(RDFSClass operand)
Removes an operand that was previously added to this logical class. |
void |
OWLObjectProperty.addUnionRangeClass(RDFSClass rangeClass)
void |
OWLObjectProperty.removeUnionRangeClass(RDFSClass rangeClass)
void |
RDFProperty.addUnionDomainClass(RDFSClass domainClass)
Adss a class to the domain of this, applying union semantics. |
void |
RDFProperty.removeUnionDomainClass(RDFSClass domainClass)
Removes a domain class, with union semantics. |
void |
RDFProperty.setDomain(RDFSClass domainClass)
Sets the value of rdfs:domain to the given class. |
void |
OWLCardinalityBase.setValuesFrom(RDFSClass value)
OWLCardinality |
OWLModel.createOWLCardinality(RDFProperty property,
int value,
RDFSClass qualifier)
OWLComplementClass |
OWLModel.createOWLComplementClass(RDFSClass complement)
OWLMaxCardinality |
OWLModel.createOWLMaxCardinality(RDFProperty property,
int value,
RDFSClass qualifier)
OWLMinCardinality |
OWLModel.createOWLMinCardinality(RDFProperty property,
int value,
RDFSClass qualifier)
RDFSNamedClass |
OWLModel.createRDFSNamedClass(String name,
Collection parents,
RDFSClass rdfType)
Creates an RDFSNamedClass (or perhaps an OWLNamedClass) with given name, superclasses and rdf:type. |
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.classdisplay |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.classdisplay with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
String |
AbstractOWLClassDisplay.getDisplayText(RDFSClass cls)
protected String |
AbstractOWLClassDisplay.getNestedDisplayText(RDFSClass cls)
String |
OWLClassDisplay.getDisplayText(RDFSClass cls)
Gets the display text for a given class expression. |
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.classdisplay.tests |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.classdisplay.tests with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
protected String |
AbstractOWLClassRendererTestCase.getDisplayText(RDFSClass cls)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.classparser |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.classparser that return RDFSClass | |
RDFSClass |
OWLClassParser.parseClass(OWLModel owlModel,
String expression)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.classparser.compact |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.classparser.compact that return RDFSClass | |
RDFSClass |
CompactOWLClassParser.parseClass(OWLModel owlModel,
String expression)
static RDFSClass |
CompactParser.parseClass(OWLModel owlModel,
String text)
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.classparser.manchester |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.classparser.manchester that return RDFSClass | |
RDFSClass |
ManchesterOWLClassParser.parseClass(OWLModel owlModel,
String expression)
static RDFSClass |
ManchesterOWLParser.parseClass(OWLModel owlModel,
String text)
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.event |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.event with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
void |
ModelAdapter.classCreated(RDFSClass cls)
void |
ModelAdapter.classDeleted(RDFSClass cls)
void |
PropertyListener.unionDomainClassAdded(RDFProperty property,
RDFSClass rdfsClass)
Called after a class has been added to the union domain of a property. |
void |
PropertyListener.unionDomainClassRemoved(RDFProperty property,
RDFSClass rdfsClass)
Called after a class has been removed from the union domain of a property. |
void |
ResourceListener.typeAdded(RDFResource resource,
RDFSClass type)
Called when a resource has been assigned a new rdf:type. |
void |
ResourceListener.typeRemoved(RDFResource resource,
RDFSClass type)
Called when an rdf:type has been removed from a resource. |
void |
ModelListener.classCreated(RDFSClass cls)
Called after a new RDFSClass has been created. |
void |
ModelListener.classDeleted(RDFSClass cls)
Called after an RDFSClass has been deleted. |
void |
PropertyAdapter.unionDomainClassAdded(RDFProperty property,
RDFSClass rdfsClass)
void |
PropertyAdapter.unionDomainClassRemoved(RDFProperty property,
RDFSClass rdfsClass)
void |
ClassListener.addedToUnionDomainOf(RDFSClass cls,
RDFProperty property)
Called after a class has been added to the union domain of a property. |
void |
ClassListener.instanceAdded(RDFSClass cls,
RDFResource instance)
Called after a (new) resource was made an instance of a class. |
void |
ClassListener.instanceRemoved(RDFSClass cls,
RDFResource instance)
Called after a resource was removed from the instances of a class. |
void |
ClassListener.removedFromUnionDomainOf(RDFSClass cls,
RDFProperty property)
Called after a class has been removed from the union domain of a property. |
void |
ClassListener.subclassAdded(RDFSClass cls,
RDFSClass subclass)
Called after a class has been added as a subclass to another class. |
void |
ClassListener.subclassRemoved(RDFSClass cls,
RDFSClass subclass)
Called after a class has been removed from the subclasses of another class. |
void |
ClassListener.superclassAdded(RDFSClass cls,
RDFSClass superclass)
Called after a class has been added as a superclass to another class. |
void |
ClassListener.superclassRemoved(RDFSClass cls,
RDFSClass superclass)
Called after a class has been removed from the superclasses of another class. |
void |
ClassAdapter.addedToUnionDomainOf(RDFSClass cls,
RDFProperty property)
void |
ClassAdapter.instanceAdded(RDFSClass cls,
RDFResource instance)
void |
ClassAdapter.instanceRemoved(RDFSClass cls,
RDFResource instance)
void |
ClassAdapter.removedFromUnionDomainOf(RDFSClass cls,
RDFProperty property)
void |
ClassAdapter.subclassAdded(RDFSClass cls,
RDFSClass subclass)
void |
ClassAdapter.subclassRemoved(RDFSClass cls,
RDFSClass subclass)
void |
ClassAdapter.superclassAdded(RDFSClass cls,
RDFSClass superclass)
void |
ClassAdapter.superclassRemoved(RDFSClass cls,
RDFSClass superclass)
void |
ResourceAdapter.typeAdded(RDFResource resource,
RDFSClass type)
void |
ResourceAdapter.typeRemoved(RDFResource resource,
RDFSClass type)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.factory |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.factory with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
String |
OWLJavaFactory.getJavaInterfaceName(RDFSClass cls)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.framestore |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.framestore with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
protected Collection |
QuantifierRestrictionUpdater.getQuantifierClsClses(RDFSClass quantifierClass)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.impl |
Classes in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.impl that implement RDFSClass | |
class |
A base implementation of OWLAnonymousClass. |
class |
The base class of MaxCardi and OWLMinCardinality. |
class |
A basic implementation of OWLLogicalClass. |
class |
The base class of DefaultOWLIntersectionClass and DefaultOWLUnionClass. |
class |
The common base class of DefaultOWLAllValuesFrom and DefaultOWLSomeValuesFrom. |
class |
A basic implementation of the OWLRestriction interface. |
class |
A basic implementation of the RDFSClass interface that provides support for disjoint classes. |
class |
The default implementation of OWLAllValuesFrom. |
class |
A class representing a cardinality restriction. |
class |
class |
The default implementation of OWLEnumeratedClass. |
class |
A Cls representing a hasValue restriction. |
class |
The default implementation of the OWLIntersectionClass interface. |
class |
A Cls representing a maximumCardinality restriction. |
class |
A Cls representing a minimumCardinality restriction. |
class |
The default implementation of the OWLNamedClass interface. |
class |
The default implementation of OWLSomeValuesFrom. |
class |
The default implementation of OWLUnionClass. |
class |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.impl that return RDFSClass | |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
DefaultRDFProperty.getDomain(boolean includingSuperproperties)
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
static RDFSClass |
OWLUtil.createClone(OWLModel owlModel,
String expression)
static RDFSClass |
OWLUtil.getDirectRDFType(RDFResource resource)
static RDFSClass |
OWLUtil.getRDFType(RDFResource resource)
RDFSClass |
AbstractOWLModel.createRDFSClassFromExpression(String parsableExpression)
RDFSClass |
Deprecated. |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.impl with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
void |
AbstractOWLCardinalityBase.setValuesFrom(RDFSClass value)
void |
DefaultRDFProperty.addUnionDomainClass(RDFSClass domainClass)
void |
DefaultRDFProperty.removeUnionDomainClass(RDFSClass domainClass)
protected void |
DefaultRDFProperty.updateRDFType(boolean value,
RDFSClass metaclass)
void |
DefaultRDFProperty.addProtegeType(RDFSClass type)
void |
DefaultRDFProperty.addRDFType(RDFSClass type)
boolean |
DefaultRDFProperty.hasProtegeType(RDFSClass type)
boolean |
DefaultRDFProperty.hasProtegeType(RDFSClass type,
boolean includingSuperclasses)
boolean |
DefaultRDFProperty.hasRDFType(RDFSClass type)
boolean |
DefaultRDFProperty.hasRDFType(RDFSClass type,
boolean includingSuperclasses)
void |
DefaultRDFProperty.removeProtegeType(RDFSClass type)
void |
DefaultRDFProperty.removeRDFType(RDFSClass type)
void |
DefaultRDFProperty.setDomain(RDFSClass domainClass)
void |
DefaultRDFProperty.setProtegeType(RDFSClass type)
void |
DefaultRDFProperty.setRDFType(RDFSClass type)
void |
AbstractRDFSClass.addSuperclass(RDFSClass superclass)
boolean |
AbstractRDFSClass.hasEquivalentClass(RDFSClass other)
boolean |
AbstractRDFSClass.isSubclassOf(RDFSClass superclass)
void |
AbstractRDFSClass.removeSuperclass(RDFSClass superclass)
void |
AbstractRDFSClass.addProtegeType(RDFSClass type)
void |
AbstractRDFSClass.addRDFType(RDFSClass type)
boolean |
AbstractRDFSClass.hasProtegeType(RDFSClass type)
boolean |
AbstractRDFSClass.hasProtegeType(RDFSClass type,
boolean includingSuperclasses)
boolean |
AbstractRDFSClass.hasRDFType(RDFSClass type)
boolean |
AbstractRDFSClass.hasRDFType(RDFSClass type,
boolean includingSuperclasses)
void |
AbstractRDFSClass.removeProtegeType(RDFSClass type)
void |
AbstractRDFSClass.removeRDFType(RDFSClass type)
void |
AbstractRDFSClass.setProtegeType(RDFSClass type)
void |
AbstractRDFSClass.setRDFType(RDFSClass type)
void |
DefaultRDFIndividual.addProtegeType(RDFSClass type)
void |
DefaultRDFIndividual.addRDFType(RDFSClass type)
boolean |
DefaultRDFIndividual.hasProtegeType(RDFSClass type)
boolean |
DefaultRDFIndividual.hasProtegeType(RDFSClass type,
boolean includingSuperclasses)
boolean |
DefaultRDFIndividual.hasRDFType(RDFSClass type)
boolean |
DefaultRDFIndividual.hasRDFType(RDFSClass type,
boolean includingSuperclasses)
void |
DefaultRDFIndividual.removeProtegeType(RDFSClass type)
void |
DefaultRDFIndividual.removeRDFType(RDFSClass type)
void |
DefaultRDFIndividual.setProtegeType(RDFSClass type)
void |
DefaultRDFIndividual.setRDFType(RDFSClass type)
static void |
OWLUtil.convertEquivalentClsIntoSuperClses(RDFSClass ownerClass,
RDFSClass equivalentClass)
static void |
OWLUtil.convertSuperClsIntoEquivalentCls(OWLNamedClass ownerCls,
RDFSClass superClass)
static void |
OWLUtil.convertSuperClsIntoEquivalentCls(OWLNamedClass ownerCls,
RDFSClass superClass,
RDFSClass definition)
static void |
OWLUtil.addProtegeType(RDFResource resource,
RDFSClass type)
static boolean |
OWLUtil.hasProtegeType(RDFResource resource,
RDFSClass type)
static boolean |
OWLUtil.hasProtegeType(RDFResource resource,
RDFSClass type,
boolean includingSuperclasses)
static void |
OWLUtil.removeProtegeType(RDFResource resource,
RDFSClass type)
static void |
OWLUtil.setProtegeType(RDFResource resource,
RDFSClass type)
static void |
OWLUtil.addRDFType(RDFResource resource,
RDFSClass type)
static void |
OWLUtil.removeRDFType(RDFResource resource,
RDFSClass type)
static boolean |
OWLUtil.hasRDFType(RDFResource resource,
RDFSClass type)
static boolean |
OWLUtil.hasRDFType(RDFResource resource,
RDFSClass type,
boolean includingSuperclasses)
static void |
OWLUtil.setRDFType(RDFResource resource,
RDFSClass type)
void |
DefaultOWLObjectProperty.addUnionRangeClass(RDFSClass rangeClass)
void |
DefaultOWLObjectProperty.removeUnionRangeClass(RDFSClass rangeClass)
OWLCardinality |
AbstractOWLModel.createOWLCardinality(RDFProperty property,
int value,
RDFSClass qualifier)
OWLComplementClass |
AbstractOWLModel.createOWLComplementClass(RDFSClass complement)
OWLMaxCardinality |
AbstractOWLModel.createOWLMaxCardinality(RDFProperty property,
int value,
RDFSClass qualifier)
OWLMinCardinality |
AbstractOWLModel.createOWLMinCardinality(RDFProperty property,
int value,
RDFSClass qualifier)
RDFSNamedClass |
AbstractOWLModel.createRDFSNamedClass(String name,
Collection parents,
RDFSClass rdfType)
void |
DefaultOWLComplementClass.setComplement(RDFSClass complement)
void |
DefaultOWLNamedClass.addDisjointClass(RDFSClass aClass)
void |
DefaultOWLNamedClass.addEquivalentClass(RDFSClass aClass)
void |
DefaultOWLNamedClass.addInferredSuperclass(RDFSClass superclass)
boolean |
DefaultOWLNamedClass.equalsStructurally(RDFSClass cls)
void |
DefaultOWLNamedClass.removeDisjointClass(RDFSClass aClass)
void |
DefaultOWLNamedClass.removeEquivalentClass(RDFSClass equivalentClass)
void |
DefaultOWLNamedClass.removeInferredSuperclass(RDFSClass superclass)
void |
DefaultOWLNamedClass.setDefinition(RDFSClass definingClass)
void |
AbstractOWLNAryLogicalClass.addOperand(RDFSClass operand)
void |
AbstractOWLNAryLogicalClass.removeOperand(RDFSClass operand)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.util |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.util that return RDFSClass | |
private static RDFSClass |
ClosureAxiomFactory.getFiller(List existentials,
OWLModel owlModel)
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.model.util with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
private void |
ModelMetrics.incrementClassInstantiation(RDFSClass cls)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.prose |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.prose with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
private static String |
ProseGen.generatePreText(RDFSClass inputClass,
RDFSClass callingClass)
static String |
ProseGen.getProseFromCls(RDFSClass inputClass)
static String |
ProseGen.getProseAsString(RDFSClass inputClass)
static String |
ProseGen.getProseAsString(RDFSClass inputClass,
boolean sethtmlTags)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.swrl.model |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.swrl.model that return RDFSClass | |
RDFSClass |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.swrl.model with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
void |
SWRLClassAtom.setClassPredicate(RDFSClass aClass)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.swrl.model.impl |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.swrl.model.impl that return RDFSClass | |
RDFSClass |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.swrl.model.impl with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
void |
DefaultSWRLClassAtom.setClassPredicate(RDFSClass aClass)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.testing |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.testing with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
List |
RDFSClassTest.test(RDFSClass aClass)
Performs a check of a given RDFSClass. |
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.testing.constraints |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.testing.constraints with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
List |
SPARQLAssertTest.test(RDFSClass aClass)
private void |
SPARQLAssertTest.test(RDFSClass aClass,
RDFProperty assertProperty,
boolean expected,
String expectedString,
String iconName,
List results)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.testing.owldl |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.testing.owldl with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
static boolean |
NoMetaclassOWLDLTest.fails(RDFSClass aClass)
List |
NoMetaclassOWLDLTest.test(RDFSClass aClass)
static boolean |
NoCardiRestrictionOnTransitivePropertiesOWLDLTest.fails(RDFSClass aClass)
List |
NoCardiRestrictionOnTransitivePropertiesOWLDLTest.test(RDFSClass aClass)
List |
NoSubclassesOfRDFClassesOWLDLTest.test(RDFSClass aClass)
static boolean |
NoClassesOrPropertiesInEnumerationsOWLDLTest.fails(RDFSClass aClass)
List |
NoClassesOrPropertiesInEnumerationsOWLDLTest.test(RDFSClass aClass)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.testing.todo |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.testing.todo with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
List |
DeprecationOWLTest.test(RDFSClass aClass)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui |
Fields in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui declared as RDFSClass | |
protected RDFSClass |
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.classform.component.property |
Fields in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.classform.component.property declared as RDFSClass | |
private RDFSClass |
If this is represents a definition (equivalent class), then this field points to it. |
Constructors in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.classform.component.property with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
PropertyFormTableModel(OWLNamedClass namedClass,
RDFProperty property,
RDFSClass definition)
Creates a new PropertyFormTableModel with an (optional) definition. |
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.cls |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.cls that return RDFSClass | |
private RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.cls with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
void |
OWLSubclassPane.setSelectedClass(RDFSClass cls)
private List |
ClassTree.getPathToRoot(RDFSClass cls,
LinkedList list)
void |
Hierarchy.setSelectedClass(RDFSClass cls)
void |
ClassTreePanel.setSelectedClass(RDFSClass cls)
Selects a given class in the tree. |
void |
AssertedClassesPanel.setSelectedClass(RDFSClass cls)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.clsdesc |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.clsdesc that return RDFSClass | |
RDFSClass |
DisjointClassesTableModel.getClass(int rowIndex)
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.clsdesc with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
(package private) void |
ClassDescriptionTable.addCls(RDFSClass aClass)
private void |
ClassDescriptionTable.toggleEquivalentClassIntoSuperclass(OWLNamedClass cls,
RDFSClass superClass)
private void |
ClassDescriptionTable.toggleSuperclassIntoEquivalentClass(OWLNamedClass cls,
RDFSClass superClass)
boolean |
DisjointClassesTableModel.addRow(RDFSClass rdfsClass,
int rowIndex)
private void |
DisjointClassesTableModel.addDisjointClass(RDFSClass rdfsClass)
int |
DisjointClassesTableModel.getClassRow(RDFSClass cls)
private void |
DisjointClassesTableModel.insertRow(RDFSClass rdfsClass)
boolean |
DisjointClassesTableModel.isDeleteEnabledFor(RDFSClass cls)
private void |
DisjointClassesTableModel.setValueAt(RDFSClass newClass,
RDFSClass oldClass)
boolean |
RemoveRowAction.isEnabledFor(RDFSClass cls,
int rowIndex)
boolean |
PropertiesSuperclassesTableModel.addRow(RDFSClass aClass,
int selectedRow)
boolean |
PropertiesSuperclassesTableModel.isDeleteEnabledFor(RDFSClass cls)
boolean |
PropertiesDefinitionTableModel.addRow(RDFSClass aClass,
int selectedRow)
boolean |
PropertiesDefinitionTableModel.isDeleteEnabledFor(RDFSClass cls)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.clsproperties |
Fields in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.clsproperties declared as RDFSClass | |
private RDFSClass |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.clsproperties that return RDFSClass | |
abstract RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.clsproperties with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
private RDFProperty |
PropertyRestrictionsTreeWidget.createProperty(RDFSNamedClass propertyMetaclass,
RDFSClass cls)
Constructors in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.clsproperties with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
OldRestrictionTreeNode(PropertyRestrictionsTree tree,
OWLRestriction restriction,
RDFSClass inheritedFromClass)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.code |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.code with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
static String |
OWLTextAreaPanel.showEditDialog(Component parent,
OWLModel owlModel,
RDFSClass input)
void |
OWLTextArea.setText(RDFSClass aClass)
Constructors in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.code with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
OWLTextAreaPanel(OWLModel anOWLModel,
RDFSClass inputClass)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.components |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.components that return RDFSClass | |
RDFSClass |
Gets the first rdf:type of the current subject. |
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.conditions |
Fields in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.conditions declared as RDFSClass | |
(package private) RDFSClass |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.conditions that return RDFSClass | |
RDFSClass |
ConditionsTableModel.getClass(int row)
Gets the RDFSClass displayed at a given row. |
(package private) RDFSClass |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.conditions with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
private void |
ConditionsTableModel.addItemUnlessOverloaded(RDFSClass aClass,
OWLNamedClass originCls)
Adds a given Item, unless it represents a restriction that has been overloaded in the existing entries. |
boolean |
ConditionsTableModel.addRow(RDFSClass aClass,
int selectedRow)
Adds a given Cls to the class conditions specified by a given row. |
boolean |
ConditionsTableModel.addRowAllowMove(RDFSClass aClass,
int selectedRow)
int |
ConditionsTableModel.getClassRow(RDFSClass cls)
private void |
ConditionsTableModel.handleDuplicateEntry(RDFSClass newClass)
boolean |
ConditionsTableModel.isDeleteEnabledFor(RDFSClass cls)
protected boolean |
ConditionsTableTransferHandler.addRow(OWLTableModel tableModel,
RDFSClass clone,
int index)
(package private) int |
ConditionsTableItem.compareToWithSameType(RDFSClass otherClass)
(package private) static ConditionsTableItem |
ConditionsTableItem.create(RDFSClass aClass,
int type)
(package private) static ConditionsTableItem |
ConditionsTableItem.createInherited(RDFSClass aClass,
OWLNamedClass originCls)
(package private) static ConditionsTableItem |
ConditionsTableItem.createSufficient(RDFSClass aClass,
int type,
OWLIntersectionClass definition)
Constructors in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.conditions with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
ConditionsTableItem(RDFSClass aClass,
int type,
OWLNamedClass originCls,
OWLIntersectionClass definition,
boolean isNew)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.existential |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.existential that return RDFSClass | |
RDFSClass |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.existential with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
private static void |
Existential.perhapsAdd(List result,
RDFSClass superclass,
OWLObjectProperty property)
private void |
EditableExistentialTreePanel.selectChildNode(RDFSClass cls)
void |
ExistentialTreePanel.setSelectedClass(RDFSClass cls)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.explorer |
Fields in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.explorer declared as RDFSClass | |
private RDFSClass |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.explorer that return RDFSClass | |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
RDFSClass |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.explorer with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
boolean |
ExplorerFilter.isValidChild(RDFSClass parentClass,
RDFSClass childClass)
Checks whether a given superclass (childClass) shall be be displayed as a child of a given subclass node (parentClass). |
static ExplorerTreeNode |
ExplorerTreeNodeFactory.create(edu.stanford.smi.protege.util.LazyTreeNode parent,
RDFSClass cls,
ExplorerFilter filter)
protected JPopupMenu |
ExplorerTreePanel.createPopupMenu(RDFSClass cls)
void |
ExplorerTreePanel.extendSelection(RDFSClass cls)
void |
ExplorerTreePanel.setDisplayParent(RDFSClass cls)
void |
ExplorerTreePanel.setRoot(RDFSClass newRoot)
void |
ExplorerTreePanel.setSelectedClass(RDFSClass cls)
Constructors in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.explorer with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
ExplorerTreeRoot(RDFSClass root,
ExplorerFilter filter)
LeafExplorerTreeNode(edu.stanford.smi.protege.util.LazyTreeNode parent,
RDFSClass cls,
ExplorerFilter filter)
ExplorerTreeNode(edu.stanford.smi.protege.util.LazyTreeNode parent,
RDFSClass cls,
ExplorerFilter filter)
ExplorerTreePanel(RDFSClass root,
ExplorerFilter filter,
String title,
boolean withHeader)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.explorer.filter |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.explorer.filter with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
private boolean |
DefaultExplorerFilter.hasValidType(RDFSClass childClass)
boolean |
DefaultExplorerFilter.isValidChild(RDFSClass parentClass,
RDFSClass childClass)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.owltable |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.owltable that return RDFSClass | |
RDFSClass |
AbstractOWLTableModel.getClass(int rowIndex)
RDFSClass |
OWLTableModel.getClass(int index)
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.owltable with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
protected boolean |
OWLTableTransferHandler.addRow(OWLTableModel tableModel,
RDFSClass clone,
int index)
boolean |
DeleteRowAction.isEnabledFor(RDFSClass cls,
int rowIndex)
boolean |
OWLTableAction.isEnabledFor(RDFSClass cls,
int rowIndex)
int |
AbstractOWLTableModel.getClassRow(RDFSClass superCls)
boolean |
OWLTableModel.addRow(RDFSClass aClass,
int selectedRow)
int |
OWLTableModel.getClassRow(RDFSClass cls)
boolean |
OWLTableModel.isDeleteEnabledFor(RDFSClass cls)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.properties.domain |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.properties.domain that return RDFSClass | |
(package private) RDFSClass |
OWLDomainTableModel.getCls(int row)
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.properties.domain with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
private void |
OWLDomainWidget.removeFromDomain(RDFSClass cls,
RDFProperty property)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.properties.range |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.properties.range that return RDFSClass | |
RDFSClass |
UnionRangeClassesTableModel.getClass(int rowIndex)
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.properties.range with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
boolean |
UnionRangeClassesTableModel.addRow(RDFSClass aClass,
int rowIndex)
int |
UnionRangeClassesTableModel.getClassRow(RDFSClass cls)
private void |
UnionRangeClassesTableModel.insertRow(RDFSClass cls)
boolean |
UnionRangeClassesTableModel.isDeleteEnabledFor(RDFSClass cls)
(package private) boolean |
UnionRangeClassesTableModel.isInherited(RDFSClass cls)
private void |
UnionRangeClassesTableModel.removeSuperclasses(Collection clses,
RDFSClass aClass)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.properties.types |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.properties.types with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
private boolean |
AbstractPropertyTypesWidget.isPropagatedType(RDFSClass type)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.restrictions |
Fields in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.restrictions declared as RDFSClass | |
private RDFSClass |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.restrictions with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
static OWLRestriction |
RestrictionEditorPanel.showCreateDialog(Component parent,
RDFSClass targetClass,
edu.stanford.smi.protege.model.Cls metaCls,
RDFProperty property)
static OWLRestriction |
RestrictionEditorPanel.showCreateDialog(Component parent,
RDFSClass targetClass,
edu.stanford.smi.protege.model.Cls metaCls,
RDFProperty property,
String fillerText)
static OWLRestriction |
RestrictionEditorPanel.showCreateDialog(Component parent,
RDFSClass targetClass,
edu.stanford.smi.protege.model.Cls metaCls)
Constructors in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.restrictions with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
RestrictionEditorPanel(OWLModel owlModel,
edu.stanford.smi.protege.model.Cls metaCls,
RDFProperty property,
String fillerText,
RDFSClass targetClass)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.subsumption |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.subsumption that return RDFSClass | |
RDFSClass |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.subsumption with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
void |
SubsumptionTreePanel.setSelectedClass(RDFSClass cls)
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget that return RDFSClass | |
static RDFSClass |
OWLUI.pickConcreteClass(OWLModel owlModel,
String label)
Deprecated. use ProtegeUI.getSelectionDialogFactory()... |
static RDFSClass |
OWLUI.pickConcreteClass(OWLModel owlModel,
Collection allowedClasses)
Deprecated. use ProtegeUI.getSelectionDialogFactory()... |
static RDFSClass |
OWLUI.pickConcreteClass(OWLModel owlModel,
Collection allowedClasses,
String label)
Deprecated. use ProtegeUI.getSelectionDialogFactory()... |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
static String |
OWLUI.getOWLToolTipText(RDFSClass aClass)
private List |
OWLFormsTab.getPathToRoot(RDFSClass cls,
LinkedList list)
String |
OWLToolTipGenerator.getToolTipText(RDFSClass aClass)
Gets a tool tip text for a given RDFSClass. |
Uses of RDFSClass in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.rdfxml.renderer |
Methods in edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.writer.rdfxml.renderer with parameters of type RDFSClass | |
private void |
RDFAxiomRenderer.renderClassAxioms(RDFSClass cls)